Importing your Portfolio

Ott Gridassov Avatar


We shall briefly go over how you can import your transaction history from supported brokers into your Wealth Beacon portfolio.

We currently support imports from: LHV, Lightyear, and Interactive Brokers

For further assistance – feel free to contact via Discord!

Export from LHV

  1. Navigate to trade report
  2. Choose the correct bank account you want to do the export of (If you have only one account then you can skip this step)
  3. Choose the period (for first import select the furthest date you can to get all the trades in the report)
  4. Choose securities
  5. Press export button on the top right and export it as csv

Export from Lightyear

  1. Navigate to Activity
  2. Press Download Statement
  3. Select the period and press export as CSV and download the file to your computer

Export from Interactive Brokers

  1. Go to Reporting -> Statements
  2. Press Activity
  3. Choose the time frame
  4. Download as .CSV

Import data to Wealth Beacon

  1. Navigate to My Portfolio
  2. Select import
  3. Choose the broker you did the export for
  4. Press CSV and choose the exported file from your device.
  5. Press submit, refresh the page and you are done!